Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sadie Hawkins

Friday evening our school held a rave themed dance for Sadie's. It was great; everyone was dressed fabulously, the music was sick and we got down.
People went all out for this dance. Colored jeans were prevelent, as were combos of yellow and turquoise. Some crazy cool accessories: these strange gloves with lit finger tips were pretty neat.


Karina and her date Sam.
I loved the shirts, dia de los muertos inspired. I think I'm going to borrow it sometime. Or maybe a more subtle DIY like this from Hand It Over.


My boyfriend and me after the dance. (before pictures might have been a good choice)
I decided to do a black and white theme since the blacklights would catch those items and then do an inverse outfit, rather than be dressed the same. Then for a little color we added bandanas in our respective colors: red for him and I am blue.

Oh, and can't forget the various glow accessories.

- Hannah Milk

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Picnic in the Park

This afternoon we all ventured to the dam for a barbeque. This time all the mebers of the SMC made it and it was loads of fun. It was a really good day; just the weekend before we went and the weather was quite as desirable.


Milk likes playgrounds.
Cheerios likes chips.

Cheerios made this awesome jalapeno mac n cheese creation that Millk pretty much devored on her own. It was awsome. Milk went on a walk and got into terrible trouble at another playground while Cheerios danced to oldies-but-goodies.


Milk is so much better than Cheerios.
Cheerios doesn't even need Milk.

M w/ C <3